Featuring advanced cardio, free weights, red light therapy, and tanning, Northwind Health & Fitness has opened a new location in Traverse City, Michigan. This new location is conveniently located at at Oak Shore Commons directly across from the Grand Traverse Resort at 6459 US-31, Williamsburg, Michigan.
Northwind Health & Fitness utilizes the popular GymMaster gym management software designed to make it easy to maintain members, book classes and trainers, process and track sales, and communicate with the right members at the right time. Designed to fit clubs of all sizes, this gym management software is feature-packed. With a full gym booking system, point of sale, website integration, billing integration, a mobile app for staff and members, online booking for clients, and 24/7 door access control.
Northwind Health & Fitness is available 24/7 to all members. More information can be found by visiting Northwind Health & Fitness on line. For information about Oak Shore Commons, please visit us at Oak Shore Commons.